News and Reports
2025 RSD Testing – Book your Seed Inspection now with HCPSL!
BOOK YOUR SEED INSPECTION WITH HCPSL NOW ! Grower seed inspections, including RSD sampling, will commence on 18th of February and continue until 2nd of May. After the 2nd of May seed inspections and RSD sampling will be limited by staff availability. We strongly urge growers to secure a booking early! To make a booking Read more…
Shed Meetings
29th January 30th January Topics include: 2025 Approved seed [lots Approved Seed forecast survey (for 2026 plots) Tissue Culture Orders Seed Inspections (RSD testing) Important industry updates Please RSVP to Sandra at the HCPSL Office on 4776 1808 by the 28th of January to assist with catering.
Project CaNE Leaves Lasting Legacy for Sugarcane Industry
Supporting growers to drive productivity and improve water quality (WQ) outcomes may have been the focus of the Lower Herbert Water Quality Program (LHWQP), but the legacy it leaves through one of its projects, Project CaNE (Crop and Nutrient Efficiency), is much more than that. As Project CaNE heads towards its finale in early 2025 Read more…
Lower Herbert Water Quality Program Factsheet
Lower Herbert water quality program factsheet. The uniqueness of the region sitting across the wet and dry tropics makes it highly suitable for growing sugarcane.Yet, as one of the most intensively cropped regions, this area presents a challenging balance for growers in managing fertiliser and pesticide losses from paddocks.
Junior Field Technician Position
Full-time Position HCPSL is looking for a keen, self-motivated person to join our field services team. The Junior Field Technician position is an opportunity for an entry level person who is enthusiastic about working in the sugarcane industry and who has a desire to learn and add value to HCPSL. Training and practical application of Read more…
HCPSL EOI – Approved Seed Distribution Plots
HCPSL is reviewing the way we deliver our approved seed distribution program to our members. As part of this process, we are seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from interested parties to provide a package of services in the Stone River, Abergowrie, Lower Herbert, and Ingham Line areas. Further details, including the EOI application form, are Read more…
Project CaNE wraps up Nitrogen Stabiliser Demonstrations
Over the past few years, multiple on-farm demonstrations have been carried out as part of Project CaNE. Nitrogen Stabiliser demonstrations aimed to assist growers to assess the logistics and potential benefits of the products on their farm. Project CaNE staff worked with growers to measure both productivity and profitability relating to the use of these Read more…
Closure of Hot Water Treatment Tanks and Plots 2024 (28/10/2024)
Herbert River Growers, HCPSL would like to announce the closure of the Plots and the Hot Water Treatment Tanks for 2024. The staff at HCPSL would like to thank growers for their patience and co-operation in what has been a difficult year due to weather conditions.
Time for Soil Sampling
As we push towards the end of what has been a challenging year it’s easy to focus on finishing the crush and not on how we can start preparing for next year.
Closure of HCPSL Distribution Plots
Friday 18th October will be the last day growers can access approved seed cane from the HCPSL distribution plots. Growers still wanting to collect their allocation of seed cane should contact HCPSL at least 48hrs prior to this date to make suitable arrangements. Growers interested in collecting surplus seed cane are also encouraged to contact Read more…
HCPSL Annual General Meeting 2024
INVITATION TO GROWERS Annual General Meeting A copy of the financials will be available at the HCPSL front office before and after the AGM, for members to collect. Morning tea will be provided after the meeting RSVP – For catering purposes, please phone 47761808 if you will be attending.
GPS Base Station Update – Boggotto’s Hill
ATTENTION HERBERT GROWERS Work to upgrade the “Boggotto’s Hill” Base Station will commence on Tuesday 1st October 2024. The Base Station will be out of service all day on Tuesday 1st October 2024. Russo & Vella Machinery have put repeaters out to help alleviate any issues on that day. Any concerns please contact HCPSL – Read more…
Supply of Cane to Indonesia
HCPSL recently agreed to supply approx. 120-140 tonne of SRA9 into Indonesia. This decision followed several meetings with Indonesian interests and internal discussion between HCPSL management, directors and staff. Why is HCPSL Supplying SRA9 into Indonesia? SRA9 is an unapproved variety for the Herbert as it is currently going through SRA variety trials. HCPSL has Read more…
EM Mapping Initiave
EM Mapping Initiave Flier With the support of Project CaNE, funded by the partnership between the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation, HCPSL is offering Herbert growers the opportunity to receive free EM mapping. The Project CaNE EM mapping initiative is open to all Herbert sugarcane growers and will run until Read more…
Welcome Alwyn Maree
HCPSL recently welcomed Alwyn (Al) Maree to the team. Al takes on the position of Lead Field Technician after the departure of Jason Caruso and has already hit the ground running, working with fellow HCPSL staff to distribute and plant approved seed plots. Having grown up on a sugarcane farm in South Africa, Al has Read more…
HCPSL GPS Base Station Network Survey
The HCPSL base station network was established to support Herbert growers in setting up GPS guided systems on farm. We are always looking at ways we can improve the services we provide and are asking growers to fill in a short survey that will help us better understand the level of use of our base Read more…
Management of HCPSL Clean Seed Plots
21.06.2024 Management of HCPSL Clean Seed Plots HCPSL and QCAR recently announced they will be working together as a part ofHCPSL’s ongoing commitment to deliver clean seed cane material to our members. Sincethat announcement there have been concerns that HCPSL may be handing over themanagement of our approved seed plots to QCAR, or another third Read more…
Small Mills / Early CCS Sampling
Please note, the following days will be available for cane to be dropped off for small mill processing for the 2024 season. The days that drop off will be available are from 12pm Wednesday 19th of June until 9:00am Thursday 20th of June 2024. Cane to be dropped off no later than 9:00am Thursday (20th Read more…
Tissue Culture Orders 2024 (2025 Delivery)
This is a reminder for Tissue Culture orders for Spring 2025 delivery. If you are wanting the new SRA43 Variety for your farm, this will be the only way of recieving this variety until released in the HCPSL Plots. Plant costs are currently sitting between $2.00 – $2.60 (GST inc.). Any other approved planting varieties Read more…
Notice to Growers
Attention Members As everyone is keenly aware, the district has seen some very trying environmental conditions in the lead up to the 2024 season. HCPSL has not been immune from these conditions playing havoc with the provision of services. With this in mind, we wanted to update members as to how we are currently situated Read more…
FEAT Online: Farm Economic Analysis Tool
The Townsville DAF Economists Team, supported by Project CaNE, will be hosting a free workshop demonstrating FEAT Online at the HCPSL office. It’s a great opportunity to develop skills to examine your profitability and assist with decision making. See attached a flyer with more information. Contact Zachary Judge – 0461 385 227 for any questions Read more…
Soil Testing the Key to Improving Productivity and Sustainability
For Herbert cane grower Raymon Jayo, it starts with soil testing. Quite Simply, he says that soil testing is the best first step for ensuring sustainability and productive nutrient management – and a solid crop of cane. Read the whole article . . .

2024 Herbert Walk & Talk Day
Tuesday 26th March, 2025. Commencing at 8:15am to 12:00 midday At Ingham Station, 181 Fairford Road Bus Transfer from the Soccer Grounds will be available on the day. Presentations and Displays will include: The Herbert Sugar Industry Awards will be presented after the displays followed by a BBQ lunch. Please RSVP for catering purposes by Read more…
2024 RSD Testing
Book your seed inspections with HCPSL now. Grower seed inspections, including RSD sampling, will commence in early March (weather dependent) and continue until 3rd May. After the 3rd May seed inspections and RSD sampling will be limited to field staff availability. Important Information; For bookings or further enquires please contact the HCPSL Office on 4776 Read more…

Herbert Rat Damage Survey
Dear Grower, HCPSL and SRA are urgently seeking support from all Herbert growers to collect information on the extent of damage, and cost to growers, of the current rat issue. We urge all growers to complete the attached survey and return to HCPSL office by Friday 10th November 2023. Hard copies of the surveys are Read more…
Media Release – New HCPSL Manager Announced
The HCPSL Board is extremely pleased to announce the appointment of Adam Royle as Company Manager. Adam has extensive experience in sugar cane agronomy and variety development and has worked for HCPSL in numerous roles for the past 11 years, including Project Leader of Project CaNE, which has delivered tremendous results for the Herbert sugar cane Read more…
Tissue Culture Orders (2024 Delivery)
This is a reminder for Tissue Culture Orders for Spring 2024 delivery. If you are wanting the new SRA 40 for your farm this will be the only way of receiving it. SRA 40 will not be released from HCPSL plots until 2025. Plant costs are currently sitting between $2.05 and $2.50 (GST INC) – Read more…
Closure of Hot Water Treatment Tanks for 2023
The last day of operations of the Hot Water Treatments Tanks at Victoria Mill is the 20th October 2023, please call the office on 47761808 to make any bookings.
Closure of HCPSL Approved Seed Plots – 2023
It is proposed to close all HCPSL Approved Seed plots this Friday the 22nd of September at 12.00 MD. Varieties still available are: If you wish to purchase any cane please contact the following HCPSL staff ASAP: Stone River plot- Jason Caruso (0417622129) Central plot- Lawrence Di Bella (0448084252) Hawkins Creek plot- Graeme Holzberger (0428761808) Read more…
Soil CRC Conference
SOIL CRC conference show cases advancements in soil science and management. The 2023 Soil CRC conference was held in Launceston, Tasmania between the 29th -31st of August. The conference was a huge success with over 250 delegates attending the event over the 3 days. The Soil CRC was established in 2017 to give farmers knowledge Read more…
Update on Rats
HCPSL recently invited staff from Animal Control Technologies Australia (ACTA) to view firsthand the impact of rats on the current cane crop and the effectiveness of RATTOFF®. ACTA and HCPSL staff inspected fields across the district on Wednesday the 9th of August, where RATTOFF® had recently been applied, to view the efficacy of the product Read more…
HCPSL on show to the Herbert Grower Representatives
On Tuesday the 25th of July, HCPSL was on show with Herbert grower representatives attending a bus trip to HCPSL sites. Representatives from ACFA, AgForce, Herbert River CANEGROWERS and HCQR, as well as HCPSL Board members and staff, got to view firsthand the on-ground services and extension activities that HCPSL delivers to the Herbert cane Read more…
Project CaNE and Catalyst share knowledge with local students
Earlier this week, projects under the Lower Herbert Water Quality Program (LHWQP) presented to Ingham State High School Ag students. HCPSL staff members from Project CaNE and Project Catalyst had the opportunity to discuss and share knowledge with around 30 Year 10 and 11 students studying Agriculture. The Project Catalyst team discussed soil testing, in Read more…
HCPSL Press Release Yesterday, HCPSL met with Grower Collectives representatives and a number of planting contractors to investigate ways to better manage RSD and the adoption of Approved Seed cane. HCPSL Company Manager Lawrence Di Bella presented data on the level of infection in growers “supposedly clean seed cane” to be used for commercial planting Read more…
Project Squealer™ UPDATE: Use of GPS/Radio tracking collars and “Judas” pigs
HCPSL Press Release Project Squealer™ An initiative of the Hinchinbrook Community Feral Pig Management Program. “The Queensland Feral Pest Initiative (QFPI) provides funding from the Queensland Government and Australian Government.” QFPI Round 6- has funded this project. PROJECT UPDATE Use of GPS/Radio tracking collars and “Judas” pigs The Hinchinbrook Community Feral Pig Management Program (of Read more…
Attention Growers: Soil Test and Pachymetra/Nematode Request Forms
Attention Herbert Growers – Please note price increases as of the 1st July 2023.
AORA 2023 Annual Conference Proceedings
Recently, HCPSL Company Manager, Lawrence Di Bella presented and attended the 2023 Australian Organics Recycling Association (AORA) Annual Conference. The AORA Annual Conference is the principal conference in Australia for the recycled organics industry. Each conference is a forum for education, discussion and networking related to Organics Recycling. To view conference proceedings and presentations CLICK Read more…
GROWER INSIGHT: Considering applying Moddus® on your farm?
Considering applying Moddus® on your farm? Abergowrie grower, John Russo discusses how he utilises applications of Moddus® on his property. John shares insight into his experience using the product. “We target our river flat country, which is low and gets flooded easily. The idea is, to make sugar. We can cut the crop first or Read more…
RFDS: Mental Health and Wellbeing on the Land
Natural disasters, droughts, financial stress, and geographic isolation are some of the challenges faced by people in regional and rural Queensland. These adversities often have a significant impact on entire communities, families, and the local economy. However, the impact on mental health and wellbeing can be overlooked and, due to the remoteness and lack of supply, accessing appropriate Read more…
Have you ever thought about Moddus® or Grappa?
Have you ever thought about Moddus® or Grappa? With lower-than-average CCS in last year’s cane crop and high sugar prices on the market again this season, growers are looking at ways to increase CCS value in their crops for the upcoming harvest season. Moddus® & Grappa are products with a foliar-absorbed plant growth regulator that Read more…
REMINDER: Tissue Culture 2024 Orders!
Are you considering planting tissue culture in 2024? To secure your tissue culture for June 2024 delivery, please place an order by Tuesday 20th June. If your considering planting SRA40, seed cane will not be available until 2025. So if you wish to obtain this variety in 2024, it will only be available via tissue Read more…
HCPSL talks Precision Agriculture at the SRA Herbert Field Day
Recently, HCPSL GIS Officer, Rod Nielson presented on the Hinchinbrook Community Feral Pig Management Program’s Project Squealer at the SRA Herbert Field Day. The field day featured various presentations and demonstrations from SRA technical staff and researchers, including – An overview of the Herbert Productivity Plan, Imidacloprid research, managing smut issues, and balancing nutrient inputs. Read more…
The Sugar Industry on Show: The 2023 Australian Organics Recycling Association Conference
HCPSL PRESS RELEASE The Herbert sugarcane industry was on show at the 10th AORA annual conference which was held in Melbourne between the 7-9 June 2023. The AORA Annual conference is the principal conference in Australia for the recycled organics industry. Each conference is a forum for education, discussion and networking related to Organics Recycling. Read more…
The Latest from Soil CRC
Soil CRC Newsletter: June 2023 The Soil CRC research community is looking forward to the Soil Science Australia conference being held in Darwin at the end of June. As well as the chance to spend a few days in warmer climes for most of us, it is a great opportunity to for Soil CRC researchers Read more…
HCPSL hosts Biggest Morning Tea
Last Friday, HCPSL hosted a Biggest Morning Tea raising funds for the Cancer Council. Thanks to the generous donations from Majestic Café, Ingham Bakehouse and those in attendance, the event raised over $320 for the Cancer Council. Thank you again to all the local organisations who came along – WISH, Canegrowers Herbert River, QSL, SRA Read more…
HCPSL Attends Hinchinbrook Find Your Future Expo!
This week HCPSL attended the Hinchinbrook Find Your Future Careers Expo. Staff spoke with students considering subject choices and future careers in and around agriculture. The team had some great questions from students on drone technology, the meaning of soil pH , and the many pathways to becoming an agronomist and finding a career in Read more…
Hinchinbrook organisations collaborate to deliver Haul Out Training course
Together with the Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce Industry & Tourism, Farm Safe Queensland, QITE, Happy Days Training, Wilmar and HCPSL worked together to deliver the Cane Haul Out Operators course last week. The course covered various aspects of harvesting and cane haul out operations. Information delivered in the course included – Workplace Health and Safety, Read more…
VARIETY UPDATE: Outcomes from the Herbert Variety Committee (RVC) meeting
HCPSL & SRA Joint PRESS RELEASE The Herbert Variety Committee meeting was held on the 5th of April 2023. The outcomes from the meeting are as follows: Governance of the RVC: The Herbert RVC have established governance procedures in which the meetings are run and managed. Governance procedures that need to be followed: SRA31- Distribution Read more…
Soil to Food Conference, Atherton – 3rd & 4th June
Interest in soil health has been gathering momentum within the Wet Tropics farming community for the past decade. This event is an opportunity for farmers and the agricultural industry to connect with each other and share ideas and innovations that support healthy soil leading to healthy people and profits. Speakers include: Topics on the agenda Read more…
REMINDER GROWERS: Wilmar Data Consent Changes
If you wish to do so, please take the time to actively Opt IN to provide HCPSL with your mill data. What are some of the activities that HCPSL uses grower data for? The Opt In is voluntary and at any time you can Opt Out if you wish to do so. To allow HCPSL Read more…
With current fertiliser prices, it is essential, now more than ever, that your fertiliser blend and rate is matched to crop requirements. Taking a soil sample ensures you are not over or under applying specific crop nutrients. By taking a soil sample, a HCPSL agronomist can provide you with tailored nutrition advice, ensuring adequate crop Read more…
Grower grants help improve nutrient runoff and water quality in the Herbert catchment
Grower Incentive Grants made it possible for Herbert growers to invest in new machinery by receiving financial support to better improve water quality associated with on-farm nitrogen management practice changes and the results in Nitrogen run-off are evident. Results from a trial in the Abergowrie area conducted by the Queensland Government, HCPSL, James Cook University Read more…
Grain harvesting commences in the Herbert
It is a strange sight to see a grain header operating in cane country in the Herbert district. Gino and Remo Zatta commenced harvesting soybean crops this week in the Bambaroo area. The soybean crop was grown over the cane fallow period and the block will be planted back to sugarcane within the next few Read more…
POSTPONED: Herbert SRA Smut Workshop – this Friday!
SRA apologise for the postponement – Due to unforeseen circumstances, the below workshop is postponed. Sugar Research Australia is hosting a Smut Workshop this Friday! Come along to gain a better understanding of the disease and the importance of an integrated disease management program. Date: Friday 28th April 2023 (This Friday) Time: 8:30am to 12:30pm Read more…
Wilmar Data Consent Change to Opt In – Notice and Information Sheet
HCPSL PRESS RELEASE 05/04/2023 Dear Herbert canefarmers, HCPSL is seeking access to grower farm data at allow our company to provide services to your business now and into the future. Below is a Wilmar information sheet, why data consent is being sought and the management of your data in relation to privacy and confidentiality. Please Read more…
Earlier this week, the annual Regenerative Cane Farming Forum was held in Ingham. The forum attracted over 85 growers, from various districts, from the Far North to the Burdekin. The event had a practical focus, allowing forum attendees to learn and gain knowledge from farmers who have successfully changed their farming system. As always, grower Read more…
REGEN CANE FARMING FORUM this week! Register now!
The 2023 Regen Cane Farming Forum: It’s on again! This time we will be back in Ingham, North Queensland. If you are a Cane Farmer or work in the industry then join us for this exciting event of networking and sharing of practical information. Learn from cane farmers who are innovating and making changes to Read more…
Herbert Growers recognised at Annual Industry Awards
Following the Walk & Talk, HCPSL held the annual Industry Awards. The awards recognise grower’s commitment to productivity, innovation, research, and the boarder industry. HCPSL is proud to announce the award recipients below.
Wrapping up Herbert Walk & Talk 2023
Last week over 90 growers attended HCPSL’s annual Walk and Talk. Growers had the opportunity to gain knowledge and understanding on a range of topics including – variety development & new varieties, mill mud & ash benefits, managing diseases, the soil biome, micronutrients, as well as reef & carbon credits. The HCPSL Team would like Read more…
2023 Herbert Regional Variety Committee Meeting
Join Sugar Research Australia and engage with industry representatives of growers, millers, and productivity service organisations. Regional Variety Committees (RVCs) decide on the final stages of the breeding pipeline and whether a variety is released and to be grown commercially. When: 8.30am – 12.30pm, Wednesday 5 April 2023Where: Royal Hotel, 44/40-46 Lannercoast Street, Ingham For Read more…
HCPSL Grower Board Election Results
PRESS RELEASE The votes have been counted for the 2023 HCPSL Grower Board elections. Four candidates contested the 2023 HCPSL Grower Board elections, to fill the 3 positions on the HCPSL Board. The results of the election are as follows: Gino Zatta- 79 votes Michael Pisano- 72 votes Greg Erkkila- 66 votes Anthony Girgenti- Read more…
Cane Haulout Operator Course: 17th – 21st April
Are you keen to work in the cane harvesting sector? Enrol now in the Cane Haulout Operator Course.
In memorial of “The Father of the Modern Sugarcane Farming System”.
Dr. Alan Garside “The Father of the Modern Sugarcane farming system” passed away on the 10th of March 2023, in Townsville. A service to celebrate Alan’s life was held at Morley’s funeral house Townsville on the 16th of March, with family, friends, and representatives from the Australian sugarcane industry in attendance. Alan led the Sugarcane Read more…
REMINDER: Herbert Walk & Talk this Wednesday 8am! Please note there will be NO parking on-site at the HCPSL & SRA Offices. Please park on Sportsman Parade. Shuttle buses will be running from Sportsman Parade to the HCPSL Office from 7:45am.
Herbert Growers Provide Valuable On-Ground Feedback On Project Cane
Earlier this week, the Project CaNE Team met with project funders, the Great Barrier Reef Foundation (GBRF) – who visited Project CaNE growers across the Herbert to gain an on-ground understanding of the projects in the Lower Herbert Water Quality Program. The GBRF team, were interested to hear from Project CaNE growers who shared their Read more…
Senator Hon. James Mc Grath visits HCPSL
HCPSL PRESS RELEASE HCPSL received a visit by Queensland Senator the Hon. James McGrath last Thursday (2nd of March) to gain a better understanding of the sugarcane industry and activities undertaken by HCPSL. The Hon. Senator James McGrath was elected to the Senate for Queensland in 2013, re-elected in 2016 and 2022. The Senator is Read more…
Spray Drones Added To Growers’ Management Toolkit
Recently, Rod Nielson from the HCPSL team captured these great photos of a spray drone in action! The spray drone was used in fallow at the HCPSL Stone River seed plot to target volunteer cane. The seed plot site received over 1000mm since the beginning of January, hence the HCPSL team have been unable to Read more…
Project Catalyst Forum a hit with growers and industry
Last week, the Project Catalyst Forum was held in Cairns. Project Catalyst aims to support innovative growers in the Wet Tropics, Burdekin, and Mackay Whitsundays regions. The project has a partnership with over 150 growers who are leading the way in cutting-edge management practices. After a 1 year hiatus, the Forum returned in 2023 with Read more…
Herbert Growers Keen To Improve Their Knowledge Around Pesticide Use
On Wednesday, HCPSL’s Project CaNE team hosted a ‘Smarter Pesticide Use’ workshop. Over 80 growers from across the Herbert came along to learn and discuss pesticides available to industry and how to use them appropriately on their farms. Highlights from the day included presentations from Associate Professor Michael Warne (Director, Reef Catchments Science Partnership) on Read more…
HCPSL Walk & Talk 2023!
HCPSL invites you to the 2023 Annual Walk & Talk! Date: Wednesday 15th March 2023 Commencing: 8am to 2pm Location: HCPSL & SRA Office, 181 Fairford Road Ingham Displays and Presentations will include: RSVP Friday 10th March: For catering purposes, please RVSP to HCPSL on (07) 4776 1808
How to download your Farm Map from the Wilmar Grower Web
Download or view the file below to find simple instructions on downloading your Farm Map from the Wilmar Grower Web.
2023 Regen Cane Farming Forum comes to Ingham!
If you are a Cane Farmer or work in the industry then come along to this exciting event of networking and sharing of practical information. Learn from farmers who are innovating and making changes to their farming system as they share their experience in the paddock. The forum will include small group visits to 4 Read more…
Come along to hear from multiple presenters, on a variety of topics surrounding pesticide use. All growers welcome to attend. Wednesday 22nd February 2023 From 8:30am to 3pm Herbert River Crushers Clubhouse, Sportsman Parade, Ingham. For catering purposes, please RSVP by Friday 17th of February to the HCPSL Office on (07) 4776 1808. Project CaNE™ Read more…
It’s time to test seed cane for planting again
Press release: Monday 30 January 2023 HCPSL will start seed cane inspections for growers tomorrow (Tuesday 31 January) for all Herbert growers. This year things will be done a little differently. HCPSL will be using three different methods of testing this season. SRA’s Molecular Plant Pathologist Dr Chuong Ngo and Translational Research Pathologist Dr Rob Read more…
Grower’s and HCPSL highlight Herbert rat issue in recent ABC Rural article
Earlier this week, ABC Rural reported on rat damage currently occurring in the Herbert. To read the full article, visit the link below. Or for more information concerning the permit, please contact: Lawrence Di Bella – HCPSL Company Manager on 0448084252. ‘Millions’ of native rats invade North Queensland sugar cane fields, decimate crops
Wrapping up 2022
As 2022 draws to a close, HCPSL reflects on some of the highlights from the year. With the support and backing of growers, Wilmar and the community, the HCPSL team is proud of the many triumphs made for the Herbert industry throughout 2022. Over 150 growers attended the HCPSL Walk & Talk 2022 19,250 tissue Read more…
HCPSL Christmas Closure Period
Wishing Herbert growers and our community a Merry Christmas and a Safe & Happy New Year. Please note the HCPSL Office will be closed from the 24th December 2022 and reopen on the 3rd January 2023. Please contact Adam Royle on 0417 610 446 for any urgent enquires during this period.
Recognising staff for their service
Throughout the year, many of the HCPSL staff team reached remarkable milestones in terms of years of service. With many staff serving the local industry for the past decade and beyond, the team would like to recognize the following individuals for their valuable work in the Herbert and broader sugar industry. Tony McClintock – 46 Read more…
HCPSL Staff undertake Biosecurity Training
Prior to the conference staff from a number of the Productivity boards including HCPSL attended a biosecurity training workshop to become qualified Authorised Inspection Persons (AIP). The training covered the latest in biosecurity legislation and current regulations as well as the General Biosecurity Obligation held by all Queenslanders to ensure they do not spread a Read more…
HCPSL hosts the 2022 Combined Productivity Services Group Conference
Last week, HCPSL and Burdekin Productivity Services (BPS) hosted productivity services groups from across the industry at the 2022 Combined Productivity Services Group Conference. Productivity groups from Mossman to Isis were in attendance. Over 60 industry agronomists and advisors visited the Herbert to explore news ideas, discuss issues, and share findings. Over 2 days the Read more…
Celebrating World Soil Day!
Today is World Soil Day! World Soil Day aims to highlight the value of healthy soil and sustainable soil management. Here’s a few reasons why soil is so important: It is estimated 95% of our food is directly or indirectly produced in our soil There are more living organisms in 1 tablespoon of soil, than Read more…
HCPSL was notified by CANEGROWERS on the 1st of December 2022 that the Permit to Allow minor use of a registered Agvet Chemical Product for the control of Australian Native Ground rats in lodged sugarcane crops has been granted (permit number PER92695) on the 30/11/2022. The permit is valid for the period 30 November 2022- Read more…
In the past week you may have noticed dead leaves in your young SRA36 cane crops. Dr. Rob Magarey (SRA Pathologist), HCPSL Company Manager- Lawrence Di Bella, SRA plant breeding team members Dr. Fengduo Hu, Juan Briceno and Linda Di Maggio spent Wednesday the 16th of November in the field inspecting blocks of SRA36 across Read more…
Wanting to know more on mud?
Herbert grower, Andrew Irvin explains how applying mud has been beneficial on his farm. Interested to know if mill by-products have a fit on you farm? Contact HCPSL on (07) 4776 1808 to speak to a Project CaNE Team member. Visual storytelling: Kim Kleidon
Understanding Mill Mud: Sugar Impurity to Soil Ameliorant
As part of the recent focus on mill by-products, HCPSL Project CaNE and Project Catalyst staff toured Victoria Mill to develop a stronger understanding of the mill’s operation and generation of mill by-products. The tour covered the entire process of sugar extraction, highlighting various processes that impact on the quantity and composition of mill mud. Read more…
HCPSL has been granted a Damage Mitigation Permit (permit number WA0047339) on the 11/11/2022, for the culling of rats in Herbert sugarcane fields from the Queensland Department of Environment and Science (DES). Under the permit Herbert River canefarmers will be permitted to cull the Grassland melomys (Melomys burtoni) and Cane rat (Rattus sordidus) found in Read more…
Keeping Mud in Mind
Following the informative Mill By-product Analysis presentation in July of last year, the Project CaNE team recently held a Mill By-product infield demonstration with Agro Group showcasing the latest technology and methods for applying mill-by products. Extension Agronomist Graeme Holzberger shared how the workshop was a valuable opportunity for growers to see first-hand how the Read more…
Are you considering applying mill by-products?
Jeff Cantamessa is investigating mill by-products under Project CaNE’s ‘Clear As Mud’ Program. ‘Clear As Mud’ demonstrations aim to gain insight into how new application methods can improve profitability and productivity for growers, as well as improve water quality outcomes in the local area. Want to know more? Contact HCPSL on (07) 4776 1808 to Read more…
HCPSL Board members and Company Manager head south to investigate new technologies.
Last week HCPSL Board members Gino Zatta and Greg Erkilla and HCPSL Company Manager Lawrence Di Bella visited research facilities, machinery manufacturers and other industries to investigate new technologies and equipment that could be used by HCPSL and the Herbert cane industry. The group ventured in cotton and grain country visiting HCPSL Extension Officer- Ellie Read more…
JCU Student, Ethan Waters Receives awards for his innovative work into RSD detection.
Congratulations to Ethan Waters the winner of 2022 C.N. Barton Medal for best JCU engineering thesis seminar. He received the award on Thursday evening of the 27th of October at JCU. Additionally, Ethan was the runner-up for the Engineers Australia | Institute of Engineering Technology Student Seminar Competition QLD Finals for Software, Electrical & Electronic Read more…
Shed Meetings October 2022: Rat Management
Recently, HCPSL held a series of Shed Meetings across the district. Due to the number of rats and significant crop damage across the Herbert, rat management was a key focus of these meetings. The HCPSL team discussed developing an Integrated Rat Monitoring Approach to effectively manage the pest in the Herbert. Additionally, Aaron Davis from Read more…
High numbers of rats and significant crop damage has been observed across the Herbert cane growing region in the past few weeks. Large areas of devastated cane have been observed in the Abergowrie area, with rat damage now starting to occur across the district. Because of the large crop to harvest this year and the Read more…
Press Release: Closure of HCPSL Approved Clean Seed plots-2022.
HCPSL still has some cane varieties available from the HCPSL Approved Clean Seed Stone River and Macknade farms. If you wish to obtain cane from these plots, please contact: Jason Caruso- 0417 622 129 for cane from the Stone River plot. Tony Mc Clintock- 0447 304 963 for cane from the Macknade plot. The Ingham Read more…
Press Release: HCPSL AGM 2022
INVITATION TO HCPSL MEMBERS AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC Annual General Meeting Date Claimer When: Monday the 17th of October, commencing at 7am with breakfast and the formal proceedings commencing at 7:30am. Where: HCPSL offices located at Fairford / Abergowrie Road, Ingham. Guest Speakers: Dr. Phil Jackson and Terry Morgan- “The use of molecular markers for Read more…
Project CaNE investigates sub-surface applications of mill mud
As part of Project CaNE’s ‘Clear As Mud’ Demonstration Program, growers across the Herbert have had the opportunity to assess various mill mud application rates and methods on their farms. At one of the sites, the project team is investigating the sub-surface application of mill mud. Sub-surface applications can provide benefits to the grower, as Read more…
Project CaNE Team begins harvesting Demonstration sites
During August, the Project CaNE team began to harvest Demonstration sites. HCPSL staff member, Bailey Kilpatrick captured these photos whist assisting the harvester crew at one of the various demos sites across the Herbert. The team looks forward to sharing results and findings from these demonstrations with growers in the future. This demonstration site is Read more…
EM Mapping – Getting the most out of your map
Last month, the HCPSL Project Catalyst & Project Cane teams hosted two EM Mapping workshops. The workshops aimed at ‘Getting the most out of Your Map’ by providing growers with a better understanding for the EM data collection, map interpretation and how they can utilise maps effectively with guidance from their agronomic advisor. Growers enjoyed Read more…
CRC Soil conference in Adelaide – HCPSL getting action on the ground.
The Soil CRC (for High Performance Soils) was established in 2017 to give farmers the knowledge and tools they need to make decisions on extremely complex soil management issues. It bridges the gap between soil science and farm management, ensuring that soil performance is increased not just in the short term, but in the long Read more…
Key Take Away Messages – Project CaNE Back to Basics Virtual Series
To conclude Project CaNE’s Back to Basics Virtual series, the team has put together some key take away messages from each of the episodes. By creating these videos the Project CaNE team hope growers across the Herbert can access information in an easy-to-understand, convenient format. HCPSL aims to continually improve and adapt the way we Read more…
Back to Basics – Episode 8: The Nitrogen Cycle
Back to Basics Virtual Series Episode 8: The Nitrogen Cycle In the final episode of the Back to Basics series, HCPSL Extension Agronomist Ellie McVeigh explains the Nitrogen Cycle. Throughout the video, the various stages and forms of nitrogen are discussed. Ellie highlights what processes must occur for nitrogen to be available to your sugarcane Read more…
A Different Perspective on the River: Herbert River Info Session
You’re invited to come and see what the Herbert river looks like and how it changes as it passes through the various parts of the landscape. We’ll be showing drone video and photography from the last five years, from the headwaters to the mouth, and sharing experiences and perspectives of changes in the river and Read more…
HCPSL staff (Company Manager Lawrence Di Bella & Project Catalyst team member Bethany Donker) recently attended a Terrain workshop on ‘Activating your Soil Microbiome’ with Dr. Christine Jones. Dr. Jones is a highly respected ground cover and soil ecologist with global knowledge and experience in supporting landholders to understand soil health, biodiversity, carbon emissions, and Read more…
PRESS RELEASE: It’s time to plant your Approved Seed Cane!
Research undertaken by HCPSL, and SRA clearly shows that growers who use Approved Clean Seed from HCPSL grow on average 11 tonnes of cane per hectare more cane than those who don’t use clean cane. Using Approved Clean Seed is an easy way to increase farm productivity. This year HCPSL has billet harvesters in Read more…
Back to Basics: Episode 7 – What is Gypsum?
Back to Basics Virtual Series Episode 7: What is gypsum? In this week’s Back to Basics video, HCPSL Extension Agronomist, Adam Royle covers ‘What is Gypsum?’. Following on from last week’s episode, he explains the difference between gypsum and other ameliorants. Adam also discusses how gypsum works to ameliorate sodic soils. As always, if you Read more…
Back to Basics: Episode 6 – What are soil ameliorants?
Back to Basics Virtual Series Episode 6: What are soil ameliorants? This week Adam Royle, HCPSL Extension Agronomist, talks about soil ameliorants. He explains what ameliorant options are available and how they differ. Throughout this episode, Adam discusses lime, gypsum, and mill-by products as common forms of ameliorants in the Herbert. Adam touches on some Read more…
PRESS RELEASE: JCU student is working with HCPSL to try identifying RSD using satellite technology
Ethan’s Story: My name is Ethan Waters, I am in my 4th year for a double bachelor’s in electrical engineering and data science. I am currently conducting my honours thesis with the goal of detecting RSD with the satellite sentinel-2. I am in the process of developing a free prototype program that will inform farmers Read more…
Back to Basics: Episode 5 – How to do a pH test in the field
Back to Basics Virtual Series Episode 5: How to do a pH test in the field Following on from last week’s episode, HCPSL Extension Agronomist Adam Royle demonstrates how to conduct a soil pH test in the field. Adam highlights situations that it may be useful to conduct your own field pH test. Make sure Read more…
Soil Microbiome Workshop with Dr. Christine Jones
Activating your soil microbiome workshop, with Dr Christine Jones About this event Join Dr Christine Jones as she explains the impacts of inorganic NPK on the soil microbiome and discusses the actions farmers can take to reduce their reliance on expensive inputs – while still achieving the productivity and profitability outcomes they are seeking. You’ll Read more…
Back to Basics – Episode 4: What is soil pH?
Back to Basics Virtual Series Episode 4: What is pH? In this week’s Back to Basics video, HCPSL Extension Agronomist Adam Royle chats about soil pH. Throughout the video Adam unpacks what causes low soil pH, why a low pH is problematic to crop growth and how to improve your soil pH. On a few Read more…
Back to Basics – Episode 3: What is soil CEC? And why is it important?
Back to Basics Virtual Series Episode 3: What is soil CEC, and why is it important? In this episode, HCPSL Extension Agronomist Adam Royle explains Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC). He discusses the importance of being aware of your soils CEC, and what factors determine the CEC. Finally, Adam explains how CEC levels impact your lime Read more…
Press release: Keep an eye out for Rats
Rat numbers are on the increase across the Herbert cane growing region. Growers are urged to monitor crops for rat infestations over the next few months and take the necessary action to manage this pest before significant crop damage occurs. Lodged and open crops, since the recent rains have allowed for weeds to emerge within Read more…
Back to Basics – Episode 2: What is Soil Texture?
Back to Basics Virtual Series Episode 2: What is Soil Texture? In this video, HCPSL Extension Agronomist Ellie McVeigh discusses soil texture. Ellie provides a basic overview of soil texture, and how texture impacts nutrient & water holding capacity. Finally, the video covers how to conduct a ‘Ribbon Test’ in the field. Links to the Read more…
PRESS RELEASE: HCPSL Warren’s Hill GPS Base Station is operational
PRESS RELEASE HCPSL Warrens Hill GPS base station is operational. Recently HCPSL has made a significant investment, with the installation of a new GPS base station to its community network. The new base station will operate on frequency 466.1000. Like all HCPSL base stations in its network, it has been surveyed in for transferability between Read more…
Back to Basics – Episode 1: Soils of the Herbert with Dr. Andrew Wood
Back to Basics Virtual Series Episode 1: Soils of the Herbert with Dr. Andrew Wood Dr. Andrew Wood has been involved in the Australian Sugar Industry since the early 1980’s, working for CSR in the Herbert district. Andrew initiated a detailed soil mapping and analysis program, eventually covering over 50 000ha of the Herbert. Additionally, Read more…
Project CaNE launches Back to Basics Virtual Series
Over the past few years, HCPSL has offered various Back to Basics Workshops to Herbert Growers. This year, as part of Project CaNE, the team has created a Back to Basics Virtual series. The Back to Basics Virtual series will cover a range of topics, focusing on soil properties, nutrition, and ameliorants. Each topic will Read more…
Press Release: Theft of cane from Approved Seed Plot
Last week cane was stolen from one of the HCPSL Approved Seed plots. The variety stolen was SRA36. If you have any information pertaining to the theft it can be reported confidentially to the HCPSL Manager by phoning 0448 084 252 or emailing HCPSL has cameras located at some of its Approved Seed plots Read more…
Weeds on the HCPSL watch list: Have you seen this weed? Ipomoea tuberosa has been recently located in the Abergowrie area. About the plant Merremia tuberosa is a climbing vine that is native to Mexico and parts of central America that has become invasive on various Pacific islands and parts of the United States. The vine Read more…
Tissue Culture Plants Dispatched to Growers
Almost 16,000 tissue culture sugarcane plants were received by Herbert growers from HCPSL last week. HCPSL will have ordered over 30,000 tissue cultured plants this year. The next shipment of plants will arrive from the nursery around September this year. This year growers have ordered new varieties like SRA 26, SRA28, SRA31 and SRA36 and Read more…
Project CaNE Electronic Record Keeping Tool and Fertiliser Rate & Price Comparison Tool
This year along with a CaNE Plan, Project CaNE growers will have the opportunity to utilise both an Electronic Record Keeping Tool and a Fertiliser Rate & Price Comparison Tool. The project team hope that by providing an electronic alternative to traditional record keeping, it will allow for convenient, digital recording of applications for Read more…
Dear Growers, HCPSL is offering growers the opportunity to undertake early CCS sampling of commercial cane fields for 2022. Growers will need to undertake the following: Collect 8 stalks representative of the cane field. Stalks must be topped and stripped free of trash. Stalks must be tied off at the butt end of the cane Read more…
CULTIVATE FARMS – Cultivator Investment Ready Program
Our friends at Cultivate Farms are changing the game for farmers ready to realise their farm ownership dreams. Now open for applications, the Cultivator Investment ready program gets farmers ownership and farm investment-ready. Participants will be resourced and coached to produce a farm pitch, with a financial modelling, a three-minute summary pitch video and the Read more…
Navua Sedge Weed Research
HCPSL is working with the Queensland Government Dept of Agriculture & Fisheries to Estimate the economic cost of Navua sedge to the cane industry. The Herbert cane industry is now seeing first hand the impact of Nauva sedge to sugarcane farming land on the northern side of Ingham. The research team has contacted HCPSL to Read more…
The RSD workshop is developed for Herbert region growers and planting contractors.The purpose is to provide growers and local industry with information on RSD including: What it is How it is spread What this means for an individual farm and the industry.
SEED INSPECTIONS: Call to arrange your seed inspection now
Think about getting your seed inspections done now and which blocks you may use this year. Inspection of grower seed blocks for planting by HCPSL has commenced again this year. Once again, HCPSL will be using the new qPCR method to check cane for RSD. The qPCR method uses DNA diagnostic technology to diagnose the Read more…
What are Controlled-Release Fertilisers?
Recently, the Soil Science Society of America Journal published an article on controlled-release fertilisers. If you’re interested in finding out more about controlled-release fertilisers, view the article via the link below.
HCPSL Walk & Talk 2022
On the 9th of March, HCPSL held the annual Walk & Talk Day for 2022. Over 120 growers from across the Herbert district attended the event. Growers had the opportunity to gain knowledge and understanding on a range of topics including – fallow crops, new varieties, tissue culture, chemicals, and harvester management. The HCPSL Team Read more…
Extension Agronomist Position here at HCPSL
Reports to: The HCPSL Manager, with guidance from the HCPSL Technical Services Team Leader.Position Purpose• The Extension Agronomist delivers training and extension to sugarcane farmers in the Herbert area.• Training and extension delivery focus will be on sugarcane farming systems, crop nutrition, crop agronomy, pest and disease management, farming practices and improvements that address farm Read more…
HCPSL Laser Levelling Contractors Meeting
Invitation to Herbert Laser Levelling Contractors To discuss the future of the HCPSL Laser Levelling service. Date: Wednesday 16th March 2022. Time: 1pm to 2pm. Location: HCPSL Office, 181 Fairford Road Ingham. RSVP: To Lawrence Di Bella via For further information, view the invitation below.
HCPSL Walk & Talk 2022
HCPSL invite you to the 2022 Herbert Walk & Talk Day. Date: Wednesday 9th March 2022. Time: 8:30am to 2pm. Location: HCPSL Macknade Farm, River Road Macknade. For further information, view the flyer below.
FEAT Online Workshops – March 18th & 21st 2022
Increase your profits by making better decisions using FEAT Online. Attend a free workshop to – compare the profitability of farming system options, develop your own farm scenario and connect with others interested in improving their bottom line.
Cultivate Farms Pitching Event – Queensland
Meet the best Queensland farmers pitching their farm enterprise to investors Date & Time Online event. Thursday 3rd March 2022 9am to 12noon AEST About this event This event is for Queensland farm investors, regional community champions, aspiring farmers and retiring farmers. Hear from aspiring Queensland farmers (recent Cultivator graduates). Each farmer has their farming enterprise ready Read more…
Christmas Holiday Availability
From the team here at The Herbert Cane Productivity Services we would like to wish the growers of The Herbert Region a “Merry Christmas and a Safe New Year for 2022”! Over the Holiday Period (29th – 31st December) it would be advisable to call ahead to ensure one of the HCPSL Staff is in Read more…
The Project CaNE Team brings soil properties Back to Basics.
Last week, Project CaNE and Dr Andrew Wood delivered a series of 3 workshops across the district. The workshops covered key soil properties including – soil texture, soil CEC, pH, liming, Organic Carbon and Nitrogen. The aim of these interactive workshops was to give growers a practical understanding of how these properties influenced their fertiliser Read more…
Project Catalyst: Grower Support Program now OPEN for 2022!
Herbert growers are invited to express their interest in Project Catalyst’s Practice Change and Grower Support Program in 2022. This program offers growers a chance to be involved with innovative practices, agronomic advice, demonstration trials and grower information sessions. Participating growers will receive agronomic support to evaluate their current farming system and identify and adopt Read more…
Press Release – Feral Pig Funding
PRESS RELEASE. Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries and Minister for Rural Communities The Honourable Mark Furner More funding to fight feral pests Local governments and Landcare groups across Queensland will receive grants totalling almost $1 million to support projects that reduce the impact of invasive plants and animals. Minister for Read more…
As part of the Clear As Mud™ Program, HCPSL and Project CaNE™ invite you to:
Monday 29th November 2021
Project CaNE™ 2022 Expressions of Interest now OPEN!
Project CaNE™ is offering growers the opportunity to develop a whole farm nutrient CaNE Plan™. Based on Six Easy Steps, CaNE Plan™ is an easy to use, paper-based nutrient management and record keeping tool that is reef regulation compliant and can be used towards BMP accreditation. Free to eligible growers, Project CaNE™ agronomists are looking Read more…
Hot Water Treatment
Watch our latest video to find out all you need to know about the HCPSL Hot Water Treatment Tanks.
HCPSL Projects
Our past and current project pages detail a range of works, research and other projects underway throughout the region in conjunction with some of Australia’s leading agricultural agencies. If you find a project that you’re interested in, please contact the HCPSL team – visit our team page for more information.
Find out more about our services
Herbert Cane Productivity Services Limited (HCPSL) is a not-for-profit organization established to provide agricultural technical services and support to the Herbert Sugarcane industry. The key focus of the company is to drive productivity and sustainability outcomes for the local industry. Use the menu above to navigate through our services and get in touch for more Read more…
HCPSL Newsletters
Have you missed an edition of the HCPSL newsletter? With the upgrade of our website, all future HCPSL Newsletters will now be archived online. To view the latest newsletter or visit the archive, simply visit our Newsletter page via the main menu, under NEWS & REPORTS at the top of the page.