Farming Systems
Research Papers and Publications
Compaction Brazil
Controlled traffic and soil physical quality of an Oxisol under sugarcane cultivation. (Scientia Agricola : Gustavo Soares de Souza, Zigomar Menezes de Souza, Miguel Cooper, Cássio Antônio Tormena)
Compaction paper Tully
The effect of soil physical properties on growth and yield of sugarcane. (Braunack, MV)

A legume rotation crop lessens the need for nitrogen fertiliser
A legume rotation crop lessens the need for nitrogen fertiliser throughout the sugarcane cropping cycle. (CSIRO : Sarah E. Park, Tony J. Webster, Heidi L. Horan, Andrew T. James, Peter J. Thorburn)
The facts and myths concerning farming systems grower forums
Presentation by L.Di Bella – HCPSL
Mill mud and ash
Herbert_Mill by-products for improved cane productivity
Mill by-products (mill mud & mill ash) for improved cane productivity in the Herbert. (Lawrence Di Bella – HCPSL)
Row spacing
Row spacing Egypt
Yield and yield attributes of sugarcane as affected by some crop management treatments. (Essam A. Abd El-Lattief)
Row spacing India
Optimizing plant population with suitable nursery production practice for productivity enhancement of sugarcane.
Row spacing Ethiopia
Effect of number of buds per sett and intra-row spacing of setts on yield and yield components of sugarcane. (Netsanet Ayele, Samuel Tegene)
1974 Matherne
Effects of Inter-Row Spacing on Sugarcane Yields in Louisiana. (R. J. Matherne
US Sugarcane Laboratory)
Soil amendments
Sth African mill ash paper
Sugar mill wasters can be important soil amendments. (B M DEE, R J HAYNES, and J H MEYER)
Estimating soil organic matter
Estimating soil organic matter using interpolation methods with a electromagnetic induction sensor and topographic parameters: a case study in a humid region. (Aitor Garcı´a-Tomillo, Jose´ Manuel Mira´s-Avalos, Jorge Dafonte-Dafonte, Antonio Paz-Gonza´lez)
Variety management
Mixed Varieties Poster update with 2016 data
The effect of changing from a monoclonal to a multi-clone farming system (mixing sugarcane varieties at planting) – 2016 update. (SRA)