
Notice to Growers

Attention Members

As everyone is keenly aware, the district has seen some very trying environmental conditions in the lead up to the 2024 season. HCPSL has not been immune from these conditions playing havoc with the provision of services. With this in mind, we wanted to update members as to how we are currently situated with seed inspections and approved seed plots: –

Seed Inspections

  • Given the extremely wet conditions there is a backlog of RSD sampling. HCPSL is working through them as quickly as possible.
  • HCPSL staff are focusing on LSB sampling for RSD testing and growers MUST call the office to register well in advance to ensure they have results in time for planting.
  • HCPSL is NOT currently using the microscope for RSD testing so please do not bring in samples as they will not be processed.
  • If you have not received a seed inspection, and you are 2-3 weeks away from planting, please call the office so that we can prioritise testing.

Approved Seed Plots

  • Staff are in the final stages of conducting approved seed plot estimates. Once completed, letters will be sent out to growers with their seed cane allocation for 2024.
  • Due to wet conditions HCPSL will be staggering the opening dates for approved seed plots.
  • HCPSL will provide notice to growers as individual approved seed plots are opened. Please feel free to contact your relevant plot officer if you have any specific questions.

The start to 2024 has been a very wet one for everyone and HCPSL appreciates your patience and urges growers to plan well ahead and be proactive in booking seed inspections and RSD testing.