
Archive for the ‘HCPSL’ Category

Shed Meetings

Posted by Rod Neilson

29th January

30th January

Topics include:

2025 Approved seed [lots

Approved Seed forecast survey (for 2026 plots)

Tissue Culture Orders

Seed Inspections (RSD testing)

Important industry updates

Please RSVP to Sandra at the HCPSL Office on 4776 1808 by the 28th of January to assist with catering.

Junior Field Technician Position

Posted by Rod Neilson

Full-time Position

HCPSL is looking for a keen, self-motivated person to join our field services team. The Junior Field Technician position is an opportunity for an entry level person who is enthusiastic about working in the sugarcane industry and who has a desire to learn and add value to HCPSL.

Training and practical application of sugarcane systems including operation of farming equipment and crop management will be provided primarily through on the job training. The successful applicant will also have the opportunity to attain relevant certificate based qualifications.

HCPSL envisages that after a period of time, dependant on suitability and company requirements, there may be an opportunity for the successful applicant to progress to Field Technican level.  

For a copy of the full position description and selection criteria please email, visit the job vacancies section of our website (, or collect the information from the HCPSL office at 181 Fairford Road, Ingham Queensland.

Close of applications: 3pm on Friday the 20th December 2024.

HCPSL EOI – Approved Seed Distribution Plots

Posted by Rod Neilson

HCPSL is reviewing the way we deliver our approved seed distribution program to our members. As part of this process, we are seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from interested parties to provide a package of services in the Stone River, Abergowrie, Lower Herbert, and Ingham Line areas. Further details, including the EOI application form, are available via the link, the HCPSL office, or by emailing Completed EOIs can be submitted by dropping off at the HCPSL office reception or emailed to by 3pm on the 2nd of December 2024. For more information regarding the EOI process please contact the HCPSL Manager on 47761808 or 0417610446.

Download the EOI Form Here.

Supply of Cane to Indonesia

Posted by Rod Neilson

HCPSL recently agreed to supply approx. 120-140 tonne of SRA9 into Indonesia. This decision followed several meetings with Indonesian interests and internal discussion between HCPSL management, directors and staff.

Why is HCPSL Supplying SRA9 into Indonesia?

SRA9 is an unapproved variety for the Herbert as it is currently going through SRA variety trials. HCPSL has approx. 120-140 tonne of SRA9 that cannot be distributed to growers. HCPSL was approached by an Indonesian interest seeking to purchase SRA9.

Will HCPSL be Supplying other Varieties?

No – While several varieties were requested, HCPSL has only agreed to supply SRA9. HCPSL is committed to providing approved seed cane to our members. As such, all approved varieties in HCPSL managed distribution plots are dedicated to the local industry.

Is HCPSL the only Organisation Involved in Supplying Cane into Indonesia?

No – Tissue culture plants, quarantine permits and approval to use SRA varieties have been organised and approved by SRA.

Is HCPSL Supplying all of the Cane Required by Indonesia?

No – The plantation in Indonesia is already importing material from a number of other sources, HCPSL will be supplying only a fraction of the material required.

How does this benefit HCPSL and the Herbert Industry?

HCPSL agreed to the sale of SRA9 based on a good financial return, in other words, the current deal makes good business sense. HCPSL is committed to providing the best possible service to our members and all revenue raised will be used to provide services here in the Herbert.

If you’d like further information please contact the HCPSL office on 47761808.

Link to letter here.

Welcome Alwyn Maree

Posted by Rod Neilson

HCPSL recently welcomed Alwyn (Al) Maree to the team. Al takes on the position of Lead Field Technician after the departure of Jason Caruso and has already hit the ground running, working with fellow HCPSL staff to distribute and plant approved seed plots. Having grown up on a sugarcane farm in South Africa, Al has managed and worked his own farm as well as several other cropping operations before arriving at HCPSL. If you bump into Al in the paddock please welcome him to the Herbert.

Alwyn Maree
Alwyn Maree Lead Field Technician

HCPSL GPS Base Station Network Survey

Posted by Rod Neilson

The HCPSL base station network was established to support Herbert growers in setting up GPS guided systems on farm. We are always looking at ways we can improve the services we provide and are asking growers to fill in a short survey that will help us better understand the level of use of our base station network, and what GPS systems growers are now using.

The survey takes less than 2 mins to complete, and the information gathered is for HCPSL use only.

Please click on the link below or scan the QR code (right) to fill in the survey form before 31st July 2024.

GPS Survey Link –

FEAT Online: Farm Economic Analysis Tool

Posted by Rod Neilson

The Townsville DAF Economists Team, supported by Project CaNE, will be hosting a free workshop demonstrating FEAT Online at the HCPSL office. It’s a great opportunity to develop skills to examine your profitability and assist with decision making.

See attached a flyer with more information. Contact Zachary Judge – 0461 385 227 for any questions regarding the workshop or FEAT Online.

Spots are limited so please RSVP ASAP to HCPSL to register your interest.

2024 Herbert Walk & Talk Day

Posted by Rod Neilson

Tuesday 26th March, 2025.

Commencing at 8:15am to 12:00 midday

At Ingham Station, 181 Fairford Road

Bus Transfer from the Soccer Grounds will be available on the day.

Presentations and Displays will include:

The Herbert Sugar Industry Awards will be presented after the displays followed by a BBQ lunch.

Please RSVP for catering purposes by 22nd March to Sandra Coco, HCPSL on 4776 1808

Dowload Flier

2024 RSD Testing

Posted by Rod Neilson

Book your seed inspections with HCPSL now.

Grower seed inspections, including RSD sampling, will commence in early March (weather dependent) and continue until 3rd May. After the 3rd May seed inspections and RSD sampling will be limited to field staff availability.

Important Information;

For bookings or further enquires please contact the HCPSL Office on 4776 1808.

HCPSL on show to the Herbert Grower Representatives

Posted by Rod Neilson

On Tuesday the 25th of July, HCPSL was on show with Herbert grower representatives attending a bus trip to HCPSL sites. Representatives from ACFA, AgForce, Herbert River CANEGROWERS and HCQR, as well as HCPSL Board members and staff, got to view firsthand the on-ground services and extension activities that HCPSL delivers to the Herbert cane industry.

Photo above- Lawrence Di Bella (HCPSL Company Manager) and Rhiannan Harragon (HCPSL Field Agronomist) discussing Approved Seed cane options and tissue culture.

Grower representatives had presentations or viewed firsthand the following:

Rhiannan Harragon (HCPSL Field Agronomist) also presented data on the number of growers who requested RSD testing of seed cane for planting and the level of RSD infection. To date it was revealed that 69% of growers had not tested their seed cane prior to planting and that 9% of the samples tested were infected with RSD. The grower representatives all agreed it is very concerning growers were not testing their seed cane sources before planting and that there was a high level of RSD infection in growers seed cane. Growers are urged to purchase Approved Seed cane from HCPSL to curb the infection of RSD in commercial cane crops and to take advantage of the free seed cane inspection service HCPSL provides.

The day was very successful with Grower representatives leaving satisfied with the services being provided by HCPSL to their members.

Photo above- Adam Royle (HCPSL Senior Extension Agronomist) and Luke Buono (JCU Tropwater Water Quality Technician) presenting to the delegates.

For more information on the services offered by HCPSL please refer to the company website- or contact the Company Manager- Lawrence Di Bella.