
Archive for the ‘Soil and Nutrient Management’ Category

HCPSL Walk & Talk 2022

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

On the 9th of March, HCPSL held the annual Walk & Talk Day for 2022. Over 120 growers from across the Herbert district attended the event. Growers had the opportunity to gain knowledge and understanding on a range of topics including – fallow crops, new varieties, tissue culture, chemicals, and harvester management.

The HCPSL Team would like to say thank you to all growers who attended, asked questions, shared experiences, and participated in open discussions throughout the day.

HCPSL would also like to extend our thanks to the sponsors and supporting organisations of the 2022 Walk & Talk Day – Sugar Research Australia, Stoller, Nufarm, Project CaNE, Project Catalyst, The Australian Government Reef Trust, GBRF, John Deere and Norris.

Following the Walk & Talk, HCPSL held the annual Industry Awards. The awards recognise grower’s commitment to productivity, innovation, research, and the boarder industry. HCPSL is proud to announce the award recipients below.

Walk and Talk 2022

Herbert Industry Awards

HCPSL Walk & Talk 2022

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

HCPSL invite you to the 2022 Herbert Walk & Talk Day.

Date: Wednesday 9th March 2022.

Time: 8:30am to 2pm.

Location: HCPSL Macknade Farm, River Road Macknade.

For further information, view the flyer below.

HCPSL Walk and Talk Flyer 2022

The Project CaNE Team brings soil properties Back to Basics.

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

Last week, Project CaNE and Dr Andrew Wood delivered a series of 3 workshops across the district. The workshops covered key soil properties including – soil texture, soil CEC, pH, liming, Organic Carbon and Nitrogen. The aim of these interactive workshops was to give growers a practical understanding of how these properties influenced their fertiliser management, soil ameliorants and the overall management of soils on their farm. The topics sparked some insightful and useful conversations amongst growers, Andrew and HCPSL Extension Agronomists.

Thank you to all who attended Project CaNE’s last round of workshops for the year! If you were unable to attend, keep an eye out in 2022 for upcoming workshops and grower groups.

reef trust partnership logos
Project CaNE™ is funded by the partnership between the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation.

Project Catalyst: Grower Support Program now OPEN for 2022!

Posted by Bethany Donker

Herbert growers are invited to express their interest in Project Catalyst’s Practice Change and Grower Support Program in 2022.

This program offers growers a chance to be involved with innovative practices, agronomic advice, demonstration trials and grower information sessions. Participating growers will receive agronomic support to evaluate their current farming system and identify and adopt two farming practice changes.

As part of the program eligible growers will receive, free of charge, a full-scale nutrient management plan. They will also have access to a number of tools, services and opportunities over the course of the program.

Growers interested in participating should contact HCPSL on 47761808, Megan Zahmel 0447 317 102 or Bethany Donker 0490 077 176


Posted by Ellie McVeigh
Clear As Mud Mill By-Product Demo

As part of the Clear As Mud™ Program, HCPSL and Project CaNE™ invite you to



9:30am – EXELBY FARM SITE, STONE RIVER (Stone River Road & Quagliotto’s Road, 35km from Trebonne)

1:30pm – CANTAMESSA FARM SITE, TARA/SEYMOUR (Quabba’s Road, end of road near forest area)

Opportunity to learn more about Project CaNE’s Clear As Mud Program and Mill By-Product Demonstration Sites with short presentations from Peter Larsen (Wilmar) and Jarrod Sartor (HCPSL). Drinks and light refreshments will be provided. RSVP by Friday 26th November to HCPSL on (07) 4776 1808

reef trust partnership logos

Project CaNE™ is funded by the partnership between the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation.

Project CaNE™ 2022 Expressions of Interest now OPEN!

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

Project CaNE™ is offering growers the opportunity to develop a whole farm nutrient CaNE Plan™. Based on Six Easy Steps, CaNE Plan™ is an easy to use, paper-based nutrient management and record keeping tool that is reef regulation compliant and can be used towards BMP accreditation.

Free to eligible growers, Project CaNE™ agronomists are looking for growers who are yet to develop a nutrient management plan.

Growers interested in a CaNE Plan™ should contact HCPSL on 47761808 or email Project CaNE™ Team Leader, Adam Royle

For further information visit the Project CaNE Page.

Project Cane Team