
Archive for the ‘Variety Management’ Category

SEED INSPECTIONS: Call to arrange your seed inspection now

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

Think about getting your seed inspections done now and which blocks you may use this year.

Inspection of grower seed blocks for planting by HCPSL has commenced again this year.

Once again, HCPSL will be using the new qPCR method to check cane for RSD. The qPCR method uses DNA diagnostic technology to diagnose the presence or not of the RSD bacteria. This method is much more accurate than older methods, but more expensive to operate.

It is currently costing HCPSL over $40/sample to undertake the test, so we are requesting that growers only test blocks they intend to use as planting material this year. HCPSL will be capping growers to 1 sample per 20 hectares under cane, so only target the varieties you intend to use for planting this year. Growers who wish to test more than their allocated cap will be required to meet the cost of the extra qPCR test and it will only be undertaken once all growers seed inspections are completed.
The cap on the number of samples has also been imposed because of the very high demand for the service and to allow HCPSL to get across more farms throughout the district.

The turnaround time from taking the sample to receiving your results can be up to 2 weeks, so we urge growers to contact the HCPSL office ASAP on 47761808 to book in your tests.

If you have any questions concerning the test or RSD management, please contact your HCPSL Extension Agronomist.

Date issued 18/3/2022

HCPSL Walk & Talk 2022

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

On the 9th of March, HCPSL held the annual Walk & Talk Day for 2022. Over 120 growers from across the Herbert district attended the event. Growers had the opportunity to gain knowledge and understanding on a range of topics including – fallow crops, new varieties, tissue culture, chemicals, and harvester management.

The HCPSL Team would like to say thank you to all growers who attended, asked questions, shared experiences, and participated in open discussions throughout the day.

HCPSL would also like to extend our thanks to the sponsors and supporting organisations of the 2022 Walk & Talk Day – Sugar Research Australia, Stoller, Nufarm, Project CaNE, Project Catalyst, The Australian Government Reef Trust, GBRF, John Deere and Norris.

Following the Walk & Talk, HCPSL held the annual Industry Awards. The awards recognise grower’s commitment to productivity, innovation, research, and the boarder industry. HCPSL is proud to announce the award recipients below.

Walk and Talk 2022

Herbert Industry Awards

HCPSL Walk & Talk 2022

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

HCPSL invite you to the 2022 Herbert Walk & Talk Day.

Date: Wednesday 9th March 2022.

Time: 8:30am to 2pm.

Location: HCPSL Macknade Farm, River Road Macknade.

For further information, view the flyer below.

HCPSL Walk and Talk Flyer 2022

Hot Water Treatment

Posted by Rusty

Watch our latest video to find out all you need to know about the HCPSL Hot Water Treatment Tanks.