
Archive for the ‘Soil and Nutrient Management’ Category

Back to Basics: Episode 7 – What is Gypsum?

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

Back to Basics Virtual Series

Episode 7: What is gypsum?

In this week’s Back to Basics video, HCPSL Extension Agronomist, Adam Royle covers ‘What is Gypsum?’. Following on from last week’s episode, he explains the difference between gypsum and other ameliorants. Adam also discusses how gypsum works to ameliorate sodic soils.

As always, if you have feedback, questions or would like further information on the topic, please leave a comment or contact the Project CaNE team at HCPSL.

Back to Basics: Episode 6 – What are soil ameliorants?

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

Back to Basics Virtual Series

Episode 6: What are soil ameliorants?

This week Adam Royle, HCPSL Extension Agronomist, talks about soil ameliorants. He explains what ameliorant options are available and how they differ. Throughout this episode, Adam discusses lime, gypsum, and mill-by products as common forms of ameliorants in the Herbert.

Adam touches on some concepts explained in previous videos (CEC, pH), so to get a better understanding of ameliorants we suggest watching the previous Back to Basics episodes. All previous episodes can be viewed via Facebook, YouTube or the HCPSL website.

If you have feedback, questions or would like further information on the topic, please leave a comment or contact the Project CaNE team at HCPSL.

Back to Basics: Episode 5 – How to do a pH test in the field

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

Back to Basics Virtual Series

Episode 5: How to do a pH test in the field

Following on from last week’s episode, HCPSL Extension Agronomist Adam Royle demonstrates how to conduct a soil pH test in the field. Adam highlights situations that it may be useful to conduct your own field pH test.

Make sure to watch Episode 4: What is pH? To get an understanding of soil pH and how pH can impact your crop.

If you have feedback, questions or would like further information on the topic, please leave a comment or contact the Project CaNE team at HCPSL.

Soil Microbiome Workshop with Dr. Christine Jones

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

Activating your soil microbiome workshop, with Dr Christine Jones

About this event

Join Dr Christine Jones as she explains the impacts of inorganic NPK on the soil microbiome and discusses the actions farmers can take to reduce their reliance on expensive inputs – while still achieving the productivity and profitability outcomes they are seeking.

You’ll get to hear from local producers who are making changes to their production systems about what they’ve observed, and improvements in the profitability of their enterprises. We’re still firming up the agenda, but it will look something like this:

To register, visit the link here: Workshop: Activating your soil microbiome Tickets, Tue 09/08/2022 at 8:15 am | Eventbrite

For more information, contact Sally Fields on 0421 710 474 or email

This project is funded by the Australian Government.

Back to Basics – Episode 4: What is soil pH?

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

Back to Basics Virtual Series

Episode 4: What is pH?

In this week’s Back to Basics video, HCPSL Extension Agronomist Adam Royle chats about soil pH. Throughout the video Adam unpacks what causes low soil pH, why a low pH is problematic to crop growth and how to improve your soil pH.

On a few occasions throughout the video Adam refers to last week’s episode on soil CEC. To watch last week’s video head to our Facebook page, YouTube channel or the HCPSL website.

As always – if you have feedback, questions or would like further information on the topic, please leave a comment for the team or contact HCPSL.

Back to Basics – Episode 3: What is soil CEC? And why is it important?

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

Back to Basics Virtual Series

Episode 3: What is soil CEC, and why is it important?

In this episode, HCPSL Extension Agronomist Adam Royle explains Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC). He discusses the importance of being aware of your soils CEC, and what factors determine the CEC. Finally, Adam explains how CEC levels impact your lime or gypsum application with a simple demonstration.

If you have feedback, questions or would like further information on topic, please leave a comment or contact the Project CaNE team at HCPSL.

Back to Basics – Episode 2: What is Soil Texture?

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

Back to Basics Virtual Series

Episode 2: What is Soil Texture?

In this video, HCPSL Extension Agronomist Ellie McVeigh discusses soil texture. Ellie provides a basic overview of soil texture, and how texture impacts nutrient & water holding capacity. Finally, the video covers how to conduct a ‘Ribbon Test’ in the field.

Links to the graphics used in this video can be found on the HCPSL website.

If you have feedback, questions or would like further information on the topic, please leave a comment or contact the Project CaNE team at HCPSL.

Soil Texture Graphic:

Ribbon Test Graphic: Probability of either ribbon length or grittiness being correct when… | Download Scientific Diagram (

Back to Basics – Episode 1: Soils of the Herbert with Dr. Andrew Wood

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

Back to Basics Virtual Series

Episode 1: Soils of the Herbert with Dr. Andrew Wood

Dr. Andrew Wood has been involved in the Australian Sugar Industry since the early 1980’s, working for CSR in the Herbert district. Andrew initiated a detailed soil mapping and analysis program, eventually covering over 50 000ha of the Herbert. Additionally, he has played a key role in encouraging the adoption of numerous best management practices across the industry.

In this video Dr. Andrew Wood will provide an overview of the various soil types across the Herbert district. He highlights the impact the Herbert and Stone river systems have had on distributing soils in the district.

If you have feedback, questions or would like further information on the topic, please leave a comment or contact the Project CaNE team at HCPSL.

Project CaNE launches Back to Basics Virtual Series

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

Over the past few years, HCPSL has offered various Back to Basics Workshops to Herbert Growers. This year, as part of Project CaNE, the team has created a Back to Basics Virtual series.

The Back to Basics Virtual series will cover a range of topics, focusing on soil properties, nutrition, and ameliorants. Each topic will be discussed in a short video by a Project CaNE Team member or a guest presenter. The team has created the Back to Basics Virtual series to allow all growers access to information on basic soil properties.

A weekly Back to Basics episode will be available via Facebook, YouTube and the HCPSL website. Episode 1 will be presented by Dr. Andrew Wood, focusing on ‘Soils of the Herbert’.

Stay tuned for Episode 1 this Sunday!

What are Controlled-Release Fertilisers?

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

Recently, the Soil Science Society of America Journal published an article on controlled-release fertilisers. If you’re interested in finding out more about controlled-release fertilisers, view the article via the link below.