
Archive for June, 2024

HCPSL GPS Base Station Network Survey

Posted by Rod Neilson

The HCPSL base station network was established to support Herbert growers in setting up GPS guided systems on farm. We are always looking at ways we can improve the services we provide and are asking growers to fill in a short survey that will help us better understand the level of use of our base station network, and what GPS systems growers are now using.

The survey takes less than 2 mins to complete, and the information gathered is for HCPSL use only.

Please click on the link below or scan the QR code (right) to fill in the survey form before 31st July 2024.

GPS Survey Link –

Management of HCPSL Clean Seed Plots

Posted by Sandra Coco


Management of HCPSL Clean Seed Plots

HCPSL and QCAR recently announced they will be working together as a part of
HCPSL’s ongoing commitment to deliver clean seed cane material to our members. Since
that announcement there have been concerns that HCPSL may be handing over the
management of our approved seed plots to QCAR, or another third party.

As HCPSL manager, I would like to categorically say to all of our members that this is
not and will not be the case. HCPSL remains committed to coordinating, managing and
delivering the best possible clean seed distribution service we can.

Why is HCPSL partnering with a third party?

HCPSL has always partnered with third parties. The majority of our clean seed
distribution plots are delivered through partnerships between HCPSL and host grower.
HCPSL sees our partnership with QCAR as being no different.

What has changed for HCPSL?
Not that long ago HCPSL managed a handful of small approved seed plots where growers
arrive on set days to cut their own seed cane by hand. In a relatively short period of time
the demand for large quantities of whole stalk and billet material has grown rapidly. To
meet this demand clean seed distribution plots have grown to four times the size they
were less than a decade ago. Finding large suitable blocks with access to dedicated billet
planters and harvesters has been a big challenge for HCPSL, which is where our
arrangement with QCAR has numerous advantages.

Why is HCPSL working with QCAR?
QCAR has offered to source and manage the land and machinery for our clean seed
distribution plot in the Ingham Line area. In return, HCPSL will do what we have always
done by supplying approved seed material from our mother plot as well as coordinating
and managing the distribution of clean seed material to growers.

Does this mean some growers will be treated differently?
There will be no changes to the way growers can access seed cane material from the
Ingham Line clean seed distribution plot, nor will there be different fees charged to
different growers. There will be no change to the way HCPSL distributes clean seed
material to our growers.

HCPSL’s commitment to our growers
HCPSL is always looking at new and novel ways to deliver premium services to our
members. In recent times this has included access to tissue culture, as well as providing
new and improved methods for on-farm RSD testing. Due to increased demand HCPSL is
also searching for new and improved ways to deliver clean seed material to growers.
Working with QCAR is just one of a few new concepts HCPSL is exploring.

In summary, HCPSL would like to reassure growers we are committed to continuing to
take the lead role in coordinating and managing the distribution of clean seed material
while providing the same high level of service to all our members.

If you’d like further information please contact the HCPSL office on 47761808.


Adam Royle – Manager

Small Mills / Early CCS Sampling

Posted by Rod Neilson

Please note, the following days will be available for cane to be dropped off for small mill processing for the 2024 season.

The days that drop off will be available are from 12pm Wednesday 19th of June until 9:00am Thursday 20th of June 2024.

Cane to be dropped off no later than 9:00am Thursday (20th June) in the trailer located at the front of the HCPSL/SRA Building on Fairford Road.

Please note the following for your cane to be processed:

Collect 8 stalks representative of the field,

Stalks must be topped and stripped free of trash,

Stalks must be tied off at the butt end of the cane bundle,

Cane must be labeled with the following: