
Archive for the ‘Variety Management’ Category

Approved Seed Orders Now Open!

Posted by Rod Neilson

Approved seed can now be pre-purchased for 2025 via the HCPSL office.

Information on the new pre-purchase ordering system is available under APPROVED SEED on the HCPSL website, and via the following link – Approved-Seed-Ordering-Plot-Information-2025.pdf

HCPSL recommends that growers wanting to pre-purchase Approved Seed in 2025 read the information thoroughly before placing an order. Pre-purchase orders close on 1st April 2025.

Shed Meetings

Posted by Rod Neilson

29th January

30th January

Topics include:

2025 Approved seed [lots

Approved Seed forecast survey (for 2026 plots)

Tissue Culture Orders

Seed Inspections (RSD testing)

Important industry updates

Please RSVP to Sandra at the HCPSL Office on 4776 1808 by the 28th of January to assist with catering.

HCPSL EOI – Approved Seed Distribution Plots

Posted by Rod Neilson

HCPSL is reviewing the way we deliver our approved seed distribution program to our members. As part of this process, we are seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from interested parties to provide a package of services in the Stone River, Abergowrie, Lower Herbert, and Ingham Line areas. Further details, including the EOI application form, are available via the link, the HCPSL office, or by emailing Completed EOIs can be submitted by dropping off at the HCPSL office reception or emailed to by 3pm on the 2nd of December 2024. For more information regarding the EOI process please contact the HCPSL Manager on 47761808 or 0417610446.

Download the EOI Form Here.

2024 Herbert Walk & Talk Day

Posted by Rod Neilson

Tuesday 26th March, 2025.

Commencing at 8:15am to 12:00 midday

At Ingham Station, 181 Fairford Road

Bus Transfer from the Soccer Grounds will be available on the day.

Presentations and Displays will include:

The Herbert Sugar Industry Awards will be presented after the displays followed by a BBQ lunch.

Please RSVP for catering purposes by 22nd March to Sandra Coco, HCPSL on 4776 1808

Dowload Flier

2024 RSD Testing

Posted by Rod Neilson

Book your seed inspections with HCPSL now.

Grower seed inspections, including RSD sampling, will commence in early March (weather dependent) and continue until 3rd May. After the 3rd May seed inspections and RSD sampling will be limited to field staff availability.

Important Information;

For bookings or further enquires please contact the HCPSL Office on 4776 1808.

GROWER INSIGHT: Considering applying Moddus® on your farm?

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

Considering applying Moddus® on your farm?

Abergowrie grower, John Russo discusses how he utilises applications of Moddus® on his property.

John shares insight into his experience using the product. “We target our river flat country, which is low and gets flooded easily. The idea is, to make sugar. We can cut the crop first or second round, then the ratoon cane is up and away before Christmas floods.”

Want to know more? Contact HCPSL on (07) 4776 1808 to speak with Project Catalyst team members – Megan or Bethany.

Project Catalyst is funded by the partnership between the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation, the Coca-Cola Foundation and WWF-Australia.

Have you ever thought about Moddus® or Grappa?

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

Have you ever thought about Moddus® or Grappa?

With lower-than-average CCS in last year’s cane crop and high sugar prices on the market again this season, growers are looking at ways to increase CCS value in their crops for the upcoming harvest season.

Moddus® & Grappa are products with a foliar-absorbed plant growth regulator that has been shown to increase sugar yield. The products give growers opportunities to improve early and late CCS in their crops as a harvest management tool to increase grower profitability.

Interested in learning more about these products? View the Project Catalyst Factsheet below.

Project Catalyst is funded by the partnership between the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation, the Coca-Cola Foundation and WWF-Australia.

REMINDER: Tissue Culture 2024 Orders!

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

Are you considering planting tissue culture in 2024?

To secure your tissue culture for June 2024 delivery, please place an order by Tuesday 20th June.

If your considering planting SRA40, seed cane will not be available until 2025. So if you wish to obtain this variety in 2024, it will only be available via tissue culture seedlings.

To place a tissue culture order, contact HCPSL on (07) 4776 1808 to speak with Rhiannan.

VARIETY UPDATE: Outcomes from the Herbert Variety Committee (RVC) meeting

Posted by Ellie McVeigh


The Herbert Variety Committee meeting was held on the 5th of April 2023. The outcomes from the meeting are as follows:

Governance of the RVC:

The Herbert RVC have established governance procedures in which the meetings are run and managed. Governance procedures that need to be followed:

SRA31- Distribution through HCPSL Approved Seed plots

During 2022, it was decided to hold off on the distribution of SRA31 based upon some observations of smut. Critical review of the situation indicated the unusual smut infection was likely due to the interaction between very high temperatures and herbicide application. During the 2023 Herbert RVC meeting it was decided to proceed with the distribution of the variety to growers from HCPSL Approved Seed plots.

Growers who are wishing to purchase SRA31 from the HCPSL Approved Seed plots are requested to contact the HCPSL office- 47761808, immediately to order planting material.

Rogue clone found in SRA28

HCPSL and SRA staff identified a rogue clone in some HCPSL Approved Seed plots during their routine inspections of the plots for diseases and variety correctness. QN05-1380 has been found to be mixed with SRA28 with some cane supplied to growers in the past 2 years.

QN05-1380 was discarded by the SRA plant breeding program because its poor yield performance.

Variety tracing activities have been undertaken by both HCPSL and SRA staff to identify how the mix up occurred, however there are no clear leads on how QN05-1380 became mixed with SRA28 in the first place.

The HCPSL Approved Seed plots of concern are as follows:

The impacted growers have been recently contacted. These growers have been asked to obtain new stocks of SRA28 from HCPSL, if they wish to continue growing the variety to ensure variety correctness.

Growers can be reassured that cane purchased from HCPSL Approved Seed plots is RSD free.

HCPSL is requesting all growers to be on the lookout for the rogue clone and report it to HCPSL immediately. Photographs on the next 2 pages will highlight the visual differences between SRA28 and QN05-1380. QN05-1380 has a similar stalk colour appearance to MQ239.

HCPSL and SRA apologise for any inconvenience caused. HCPSL will ensure that growers who wish to obtain new SRA28 planting material in 2023, will be able to do so.


2023 Herbert Regional Variety Committee Meeting

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

Join Sugar Research Australia and engage with industry representatives of growers, millers, and productivity service organisations. Regional Variety Committees (RVCs) decide on the final stages of the breeding pipeline and whether a variety is released and to be grown commercially.

When: 8.30am – 12.30pm, Wednesday 5 April 2023
Where: Royal Hotel, 44/40-46 Lannercoast Street, Ingham

For more information and to RSVP by Friday 31 March
Contact Linda Di Maggio
Plant Breeding Technician – Herbert
Email: or call 0459 877 126

Full details below.