
Archive for the ‘Project CaNE’ Category

EM Mapping – Getting the most out of your map

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

Last month, the HCPSL Project Catalyst & Project Cane teams hosted two EM Mapping workshops. The workshops aimed at ‘Getting the most out of Your Map’ by providing growers with a better understanding for the EM data collection, map interpretation and how they can utilise maps effectively with guidance from their agronomic advisor.

Growers enjoyed the practical approach of the workshop as they worked through two case study scenarios that dealt with different block conditions identified through EM mapping and strategic soil testing. The case studies demonstrated the value of EM mapping for cost savings when selecting soil test sites and applying amendments.

EM Mapping is offered as a Fee for Service by HCPSL. For further information visit the HCPSL website Or contact the HCPSL office (07) 4776 1808

Key Take Away Messages – Project CaNE Back to Basics Virtual Series

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

To conclude Project CaNE’s Back to Basics Virtual series, the team has put together some key take away messages from each of the episodes. By creating these videos the Project CaNE team hope growers across the Herbert can access information in an easy-to-understand, convenient format. HCPSL aims to continually improve and adapt the way we deliver information to growers and the community, so please leave a comment or feedback for our team.

If you missed any of the videos, they can be found on the HCPSL Facebook page, YouTube channel or website.

Thanks for watching!

Back to Basics – Episode 8: The Nitrogen Cycle

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

Back to Basics Virtual Series

Episode 8: The Nitrogen Cycle

In the final episode of the Back to Basics series, HCPSL Extension Agronomist Ellie McVeigh explains the Nitrogen Cycle. Throughout the video, the various stages and forms of nitrogen are discussed. Ellie highlights what processes must occur for nitrogen to be available to your sugarcane crop. Finally, the video concludes with a short demo showing the processes urea goes through to become available to the crop. 

If you have feedback, questions or would like further information on the topic, please leave a comment or contact the Project CaNE team at HCPSL.

A Different Perspective on the River: Herbert River Info Session

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

You’re invited to come and see what the Herbert river looks like and how it changes as it passes through the various parts of the landscape. We’ll be showing drone video and photography from the last five years, from the headwaters to the mouth, and sharing experiences and perspectives of changes in the river and surrounding land uses.

Thursday 15th September 2022

7am to 9am, HCPSL Meeting Room, 181 Fairford Road Ingham.

Breakfast will be supplied, please RSVP by Monday 12th September to Sandra (HCPSL) on 4776 5660.

ABOUT THE PRESENTERS: Jen Mackenzie is Terrain NRM’s sediment project leader. She has been working on projects to manage sediment in the Herbert River system for the last three years. John Drysdale is Neilly Group Engineering’s Project Implementation Coordinator. He is responsible for implementing NGE’s suite of erosion remediation projects in the Wet Tropics, and has been providing technical advice and expertise for the Herbert sediment management project.

Project CaNE™ is funded by the partnership between the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation.

Back to Basics: Episode 7 – What is Gypsum?

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

Back to Basics Virtual Series

Episode 7: What is gypsum?

In this week’s Back to Basics video, HCPSL Extension Agronomist, Adam Royle covers ‘What is Gypsum?’. Following on from last week’s episode, he explains the difference between gypsum and other ameliorants. Adam also discusses how gypsum works to ameliorate sodic soils.

As always, if you have feedback, questions or would like further information on the topic, please leave a comment or contact the Project CaNE team at HCPSL.

Back to Basics: Episode 6 – What are soil ameliorants?

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

Back to Basics Virtual Series

Episode 6: What are soil ameliorants?

This week Adam Royle, HCPSL Extension Agronomist, talks about soil ameliorants. He explains what ameliorant options are available and how they differ. Throughout this episode, Adam discusses lime, gypsum, and mill-by products as common forms of ameliorants in the Herbert.

Adam touches on some concepts explained in previous videos (CEC, pH), so to get a better understanding of ameliorants we suggest watching the previous Back to Basics episodes. All previous episodes can be viewed via Facebook, YouTube or the HCPSL website.

If you have feedback, questions or would like further information on the topic, please leave a comment or contact the Project CaNE team at HCPSL.

Back to Basics: Episode 5 – How to do a pH test in the field

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

Back to Basics Virtual Series

Episode 5: How to do a pH test in the field

Following on from last week’s episode, HCPSL Extension Agronomist Adam Royle demonstrates how to conduct a soil pH test in the field. Adam highlights situations that it may be useful to conduct your own field pH test.

Make sure to watch Episode 4: What is pH? To get an understanding of soil pH and how pH can impact your crop.

If you have feedback, questions or would like further information on the topic, please leave a comment or contact the Project CaNE team at HCPSL.

Back to Basics – Episode 4: What is soil pH?

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

Back to Basics Virtual Series

Episode 4: What is pH?

In this week’s Back to Basics video, HCPSL Extension Agronomist Adam Royle chats about soil pH. Throughout the video Adam unpacks what causes low soil pH, why a low pH is problematic to crop growth and how to improve your soil pH.

On a few occasions throughout the video Adam refers to last week’s episode on soil CEC. To watch last week’s video head to our Facebook page, YouTube channel or the HCPSL website.

As always – if you have feedback, questions or would like further information on the topic, please leave a comment for the team or contact HCPSL.

Back to Basics – Episode 3: What is soil CEC? And why is it important?

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

Back to Basics Virtual Series

Episode 3: What is soil CEC, and why is it important?

In this episode, HCPSL Extension Agronomist Adam Royle explains Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC). He discusses the importance of being aware of your soils CEC, and what factors determine the CEC. Finally, Adam explains how CEC levels impact your lime or gypsum application with a simple demonstration.

If you have feedback, questions or would like further information on topic, please leave a comment or contact the Project CaNE team at HCPSL.

Back to Basics – Episode 2: What is Soil Texture?

Posted by Ellie McVeigh

Back to Basics Virtual Series

Episode 2: What is Soil Texture?

In this video, HCPSL Extension Agronomist Ellie McVeigh discusses soil texture. Ellie provides a basic overview of soil texture, and how texture impacts nutrient & water holding capacity. Finally, the video covers how to conduct a ‘Ribbon Test’ in the field.

Links to the graphics used in this video can be found on the HCPSL website.

If you have feedback, questions or would like further information on the topic, please leave a comment or contact the Project CaNE team at HCPSL.

Soil Texture Graphic:

Ribbon Test Graphic: Probability of either ribbon length or grittiness being correct when… | Download Scientific Diagram (