Wrapping up 2022
As 2022 draws to a close, HCPSL reflects on some of the highlights from the year. With the support and backing of growers, Wilmar and the community, the HCPSL team is proud of the many triumphs made for the Herbert industry throughout 2022.
- Over 150 growers attended the HCPSL Walk & Talk 2022
- 19,250 tissue culture plants ordered and delivered to growers
- 4335 tonnes Approved Clean Seed purchased by Herbert growers
- 40.5 tonnes of cane treated at the Hot Water Treatment Tanks
- RSD Sampling – 1453 qPCR samples collected, 1188 PCM samples and 66 LSB samples.
- Visited multiple local schools to teach students about tissue culture
- Pest Management – Rat Permits & Coordinated Baiting Program, and 1200+ pigs euthanized
- Project CaNE delivered 100 CaNE Plans (Nutrient Management Plan)
- 298 Herbert farms engaged with Project CaNE
- Project Catalyst delivered 26 NMP’s
- 3 Project Catalyst Innovation Trials that were focused on precision agriculture were concluded.
- 150 ha of land EM mapped under Project Catalyst grower support program
- Cultivate Farms Project facilitated 3 Herbert farm matches
- Numerous on-farm trials and demonstrations
- Various Shed Meetings, Back to Basics and grower workshops
- Hosted Work Experience students
- Assisted the Ingham Show Cane Section
- Hosted the 2022 Combined Productivity Services Conference
HCPSL would like to take this opportunity to thank growers in the Herbert. Thank you for assisting with trials, attending workshops, coming along to meetings and providing feedback on the services HCPSL provides.
The HCPSL team looks forward to continuing to service and work with Herbert growers in 2023.