Small Mills / Early CCS Sampling
Please note, the following days will be available for cane to be dropped off for small mill processing for the 2024 season.
The days that drop off will be available are from 12pm Wednesday 19th of June until 9:00am Thursday 20th of June 2024.
Cane to be dropped off no later than 9:00am Thursday (20th June) in the trailer located at the front of the HCPSL/SRA Building on Fairford Road.
Please note the following for your cane to be processed:
Collect 8 stalks representative of the field,
Stalks must be topped and stripped free of trash,
Stalks must be tied off at the butt end of the cane bundle,
Cane must be labeled with the following:
- Grower Name
- Grower contact phone number
- Variety
- Crop Class
- Farm number
- Block number