HCPSL has been granted a Damage Mitigation Permit (permit number WA0047339) on the 11/11/2022, for the culling of rats in Herbert sugarcane fields from the Queensland Department of Environment and Science (DES).
Under the permit Herbert River canefarmers will be permitted to cull the Grassland melomys (Melomys burtoni) and Cane rat (Rattus sordidus) found in sugarcane fields. The registered rat baits available to the industry are Ratoff® and Racumin®.
Conditions under the permit:
- Activities authorised by this permit are to be undertaken in strict accordance with the Property Management Plan that was received by DES on the 10/10/2022. Importantly, non-lethal methods to deter the breeding of both rat species must be applied as the preferred method to control the afore-mentioned species.
- The activities associated with this permit only apply to relevant properties (all Herbert cane farms) as listed by HCPSL and received by DES on 28/10/22.
- Accurate records of animals taken under this permit must be recorded in the return of operations form, which HCPSL will compile on behalf of the industry. Cane farmers will need to notify HCPSL when rat baiting has occurred, estimated cane losses, and estimated number of rats taken. Reporting to DES will be undertaken every 3 months.
The HCPSL Company Manager would like to thank Rod Nielson (HCPSL staffer) and Mick Quirk (CANEGROWERS Brisbane) who have assisted with the permit submission documentation and meeting with key DES staff.
For more information concerning the permit, please contact Lawrence Di Bella- HCPSL Company Manager on 0448084252