Dear Growers,
HCPSL is offering growers the opportunity to undertake early CCS sampling of commercial cane fields for 2022.
Growers will need to undertake the following:
- Collect 8 stalks representative of the cane field.
- Stalks must be topped and stripped free of trash.
- Stalks must be tied off at the butt end of the cane bundle and labelled.
- The label must have the following information:
- Grower name
- Grower contact phone number
- Variety
- Crop class
- Farm number
- Block number
Growers will need to drop the CCS sample in the trailer located in the HCPSL/SRA Herbert car park by 8am on the following dates:
- Friday the 3rd of June
- Tuesday the 7th of June
- Tuesday the 14th of June
Late samples will not be processed.
HCPSL will contact the grower once the samples have been processed and CCS figures determined. (Please keep in mind these are to be used for guidance only as they are calculated on assumed fibre figures).